Details and processes that determine the new world order from the crucial 2022

Since the discovery of America, the struggle of the world's imperial powers has been for continents. Napoleon and his Napoleonic Wars sought to globalize power. subordinate the other European imperial powers, which owned all the continents, from China to Ecuador and from the North Pole to the South Pole. But it failed, then World War I, which came about because the European imperial powers misdivided Africa, was followed almost immediately by World War II with a plague followed by an economic depression, very similar to what we are experiencing today. , the dispute in World War II and then during the Cold War was over the suppliers of raw materials, especially oil, but today that the Moon and Mars have become loot, like geostationary orbits, solar energy, wind and nuclear are about to replace that of fossil fuels, as economic and military powers wage a race in space.
Countries are now facing a pandemic, an economic crisis, great human mobility, globalization, real-time communications, and the discovery of the Universe, which reveals to us that religions were rites to create or invent immortal gods and divine laws, Politics are behaviors managed by the media or mass concentration, to create human laws and mortal gods who are the political leaders at the moment, or the stars of shows, movies, television, the internet.
  But at the moment, two of these government models are in a head-on clash, they are capitalism where money is the god, individual freedom, creativity, wealth, curiosity, inventiveness, and all kinds of inventiveness are worshiped. forms of evil, goodness, virtues, and even defects that can be monetized, and converted into money, be it as profit, salary, bribery, extortion, blackmail, donations, charity, or lottery, that is, good luck. The capitalist society is the winners or winners who are the ones who can become Midas, the character from Greek Mythology who turned everything into gold, until he starved to death, because what his hands or lips touched also turned into gold. Prayed. The one who turns his children, wives, lovers, or friends into ravens, who will gouge out his eyes for stealing, cheating, or inheriting. If you can be an Elon Musk you are a winner, or if you are a Ronaldo, a Messi, or an Arab Sheikh, from Qatar, or Oman 
   The capitalist industrial model has revolutionized everything, but at the same time, it has multiplied poverty. This poverty now is no longer due to a lack of basic things, water, food, clothing, and housing, but it is comparative poverty, not having what many others have, and those many others are millions in the Northern Hemisphere, the polluting, greedy hemisphere, killer of other species and even each other, the most populous on the planet, the main cause of Climate Change, extinction and all the great world wars, the creator and multiplier of comparative poverty or insatiable poverty.
The communist model, on the other hand, was a model proposed by the most idiotic human beings in history, the workers at the beginning of the industrial era. Human beings who lived stupidity in its maximum expression as appendages of machines, which forced them to do repetitive, monotonous work, until now that automation and artificial intelligence are freeing them from this defect.
These human beings who lived between monotony, alcohol, and drugs, created a modern government where all human beings could or wanted to be equal, but since each human brain is very different from another, not so their bodies can be very similar to each other, the idea was to homogenize human brains through education, social communication and needs, for which it was defined what students have to learn, audiences have to see and hear, workers They have to do. This allowed the secretary of the communist party of the USSR to have more power than the Tsar of Russia, his predecessor, and today Vladimir Putin has more power than those who were general secretaries of the USSR because he has more than one nuclear arsenal. of weapons of great power and a capacity to manipulate the Russian population that no one had before.
The Internet, cell phone communication, information in real-time, the possibility of thinking, expressing oneself, perpetuating everything, from the age in the photos or videos, to the ideas in the publications and that these can be searched for and found by this or future generations changed everything.
In these moments, new forms of government such as Nordic socialism, or Latin American socialism, Iranian Islamism, Arab monarchies, parliamentary monarchies, electoral democracies, and Chinese communism, are new forms of government that, unlike capitalism or communism They work when the cultural, racial, generational, ethnic, or nationalist component of gender can give it a particular touch for each country.
Apparently, capitalism in Russia, which is Putin's model of government, works under the particularity of being Russian neo-capitalism. China's communism works but it is Chinese neo-communism, the Arab monarchy also works but in certain Arab countries, like parliamentary monarchies work well in Europe, not in others, Iranian Islamism works in Iran, the American electoral system works in the United States and some other countries, such as Uruguay or Costa Rica, while Latin American socialism is evolving from Cuban communism to Nicaraguan socialism, to Venezuelan neo-capitalism, and to Brazilian, Chilean, Colombian, or Mexican neo-socialism that are indefinable.
Finally, the United States, Europe, China, and Russia are once again at odds, but this happens when the civil pandemic opened the door to other pandemics, such as the bubonic plague in April 1340, the doors to smallpox, swine flu, leprosy, or malaria, which already struck Europe and the entire Roman Empire just before its end.
In addition, the borders of the developed countries of the Americas and Europe, such as the United States and the former European empires, are now easily penetrable, be it by migrants, drug traffickers, traffickers of everything from drugs to human beings or by the ideas, images, sounds, tastes or smells that come from everywhere thanks to globalization.
The truth is that trees, forests, nature, women, blacks and indigenous people, ancestral cultures, animals, rivers, seas, etc. have become more important than you or me.

  You or I am

now beings with a conscience, who question themselves every day, this is something terrible for all government systems, human beings who no longer accept, but exercise choice every day, and are forced to choose every day, to think every day.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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