The drama of the American Continent in 2022

Among the most serious problems facing the entire American Continent, although Canada is the least affected because they have an old population, fertile areas, and fertility times in these new areas are more extensive, due to climate change, the reduction of ice or snow coverage, which lasted up to 6 months in the area close to the Arctic Circle, which together with Russia made the two largest countries in the world the most depopulated areas, in proportion to the number of inhabitants per km2.
First the Cold War, with the blockade of Cuba, which has been going on for 62 years, then the war against communism in Latin America, which created right-wing military dictatorships and also left-wing dictatorships, which hit Central and South America, which have been in force since 1978. Nicaragua, which has been going on for 44 years, the war on drug trafficking, which likewise began with the war against Pablo Escobar in Colombia and continues to this day, for 42 years now, not only in Colombia, but now from Mexico to Argentina, because by becoming cocaine into white gold, due to the great demand in the United States, Europe and now even in Australia, or Asia.
 This War on Drug Trafficking has created cartels in all Latin American countries, especially in Colombia and Mexico, which have weapons, logistics, and the ability to pierce borders, which is weakening the southern border, the air border, and the maritime border. of the United States, as well as that of all the countries of the continent, this is upsetting the political structure of the countries.
In the United States, there is an immigration war, and a war on drug trafficking, which transports drugs and people by air, sea, land, and even through tunnels or submarines.
  This breaking of the border is since Roman times it is the first step towards the end of the empires. Today the North American industrial empire, which transformed the planet like no other, and has even led us to explore and use space, is under threat.
This migratory wave has factors, that industry, commerce, and globalization. especially communications, or transportation, created new needs, and these new needs created new human beings.
When the pandemic arrived in America at the end of 2019, the situation became complicated, because, in addition to the deaths of patients, there was an extraordinary expense in tests, vaccines, emergency services, funerals, cemeteries, and medication, which left a physically and psychologically weak population. , economically and above all socially, because the social order was fractured, the police, the military, the media, propaganda, publicity, and corruption got out of hand, each one acquired another dimension, like the rulers, but above all The entire population stopped being uninformed, innocent, ignorant, they knew what was happening at home, in the neighborhood, in the country, and in the world in real-time.
The collapse of education and the popularity of Tele-education, telemedicine, and telework have upset everything, from relationships with teachers, friends or colleagues, bosses, and employees, to relationships between parents and children, which For months they were locked up at home, for years until today, in which countries like China live in quarantines, or social distancing that have become irritating, as reasons for protesting political instability, which also accelerates the decline economically.
In countries like Ecuador, the most uncontrollable violence ever seen broke out. From the prisons to the streets they became battlefields for organized crime, they appropriated prisons, ports, and neighborhoods, something worse than what had been happening in Mexico, Colombia, and Central America, thanks to the fact that drug money was placed in the hands of young arms motorcycles, or the possibility of being rich overnight.
The bases or outposts of the North American army, in the port of Manta or in the Galapagos, the DEA offices in Guayaquil, and the North American surveillance in the 200,000 km2 of marine area in the Galapagos, have not borne fruit, on the contrary, Just like in Colombia or Mexico, only the face of the drug trafficker has changed, because for every drug trafficker arrested or killed, ten are born, for every coyote arrested, 20 are born, hunger, fear, unemployment, revenge, anger Multiplied needs, comparative poverty, which is worse than real poverty, are what drive to kill or be killed in this war on drugs and unstoppable emigration.  

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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