How the decade of disillusionment is lived in Latin America and Peru

The communications revolution, created by the INTERNET, cell phones, Netflix, satellite television, Chinese production, speed in construction, the air transport revolution, and motorized transport, in short, the vertiginous changes that we have experienced since the year 2000, they changed us to the human species on Planet Earth, for 20 years we lived in a world where illusion, imagination created paradises, truths, behaviors, governments, that with the pandemic and the ongoing Third World War, environmental, economic catastrophes, political and social that come in a cascade, hitting the least developed countries above all, have created the decade of disappointment.
  This decade of disappointment begins with the pandemic, the covid, climate change, the mass extinction of species, and the development of weapons, the ongoing world war due to the conflict between Russia and NATO, over Ukraine, the economic war against China, the economic and military blockades against Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, or worse against Russia, violent Islamism in Asia and Africa, new forms of violence from organized crime, Donald Trump's coup attempt in the United States, the global reaction of white supremacism, but the disappointment became more visible in Peru, one of the countries hardest hit by covid on the entire planet, and with the end of the government of a rural teacher, who was thought to be the Messiah for that country.
The origin of human civilization stems from the construction of cities, cities created a new type of human being, this human being, unlike peasants, dispersed indigenous people, and fishermen, had new rights, such as the right to vote, from the Greek times to public services, starting with streets, parks, temples, schools, colleges, universities, the possibility of buying and selling, since markets have always been, along with temples and government buildings, protection thanks to forts or military walls, constant water, thanks to water channels, the channeling and disposal of sewage, cemeteries, hospitals, doctors, police, military, rulers, students, professionals of all kinds.
While in the fields, the peasants who were the majority of the population, were at first slaves, people who were bought, sold, or born without the right to decide what to do with their lives, later they were occupied by human beings who were protected by religions, which offered them a place in paradise, in another world, if in this world they were obedient, and not delusional, they were submissive, they gave their lives no longer to a master, or to a king, but to a religion, to a holy book, a high priest, the Church, Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, or other gods.
  Religions gave slaves something they didn't have before, a soul.
But trade, craft production, and then industrial production, created the need to buy and sell, to transform matter, to use different forms of energy, transportation, numbers, and languages when that surplus could not be sold. or consume, or it did not have great value in one place but in another, this could be bought or sold thanks to another invention that was money, as was silver, since barter had the problem that people's needs or towns changed with the seasons, natural catastrophes, such as droughts, floods, earthquakes, wars, or plagues. But money made it possible to acquire goods even from other continents since silver was just as important in China as it was in America and Europe.
At the moment when the salary appeared, the citizens appeared, unlike the slaves, or laborers, were peasants of America, who were paid only with the right to live in the hacienda, with food, or basic clothing.
The laborers in Latin America or peasants of this region, who were the majority of the population until the end of the 20th century, were the eternal debtors of their employers who paid them for their work with the right to a part of the land called in Los Andes, husipungo, at a time of use of the water channel, gave rise in Ecuador to the first peasant organizations, called the Potable Water Boards, which decided who, when and how much water the indigenous people could have, for their plots, houses or towns, water that first passed through the boss's hacienda, fertilizing his fields, quenching the thirst of the masters and all their animals, and then arriving in turn to each of their peons, until it finally ended up in the town
  Through concertation, a credit system was created for laborers, indigenous people, and peasants, similar to the one that the International Monetary Fund now has from the IMF, in which laborers, indigenous people, and peasants had to pay for generations, first with work, and then with the so-called tithes, that is, the first of every ten animals, or the first quintal of every ten in the harvest, plus what the salt, tools, cloth, and above all alcohol cost, since they converted the indigenous, peasants and fishermen into alcohol addicts, through parties, such as the child's pass, baptisms, marriages, religious festivals, in which God and wine, which in America was replaced by alcohol from sugar cane, which alcohol became at the center of the festival, especially the prioste festivals, in which the laborer with the best harvests, or the most animals, had to throw a party to become poor again, giving food and drink, paying the priest for the celebration.
  The salary turned sedentary peasants into nomadic peasants, who went from one farm to another, from one construction to another, from one city to another, from one mine to another, and allowed them to buy. The salary gave rise to the client, who no longer exchanged and if he did not have what the seller wanted, he could not buy, the salary allowed, the canteen, the store, the rental or the purchase of everything, even conscience.
The citizens differed from the peasants, blacks, indigenous people, and fishermen mainly by education.
Education became the center of cities, it replaced the church in small towns in America, in addition, the citizen became an artist, athlete, politician, professional, and craftsman, that is, a pole of attraction.
Soon, the cities wanted to control territories to provide themselves with raw materials, water, and food, this created politics, which became the use of the power of the cities. The cities had armies, police, workshops, factories, everything, the more factories, the more power.
Politics replaced religious groups with political parties, and these political parties are the ones that are now vying for power. The moment religious groups were replaced by political parties, the cult changed, the invention of immortal gods for mortal gods, laws and sacred books for laws, constitutions, and codes.
This cult of the new god called money, the president, or a high public official, also became a cult of the deadly sins such as vanity, greed, anger, lies, lust, slander, wickedness, cruelty, especially treason, which They are from the birth of cities, it is the origin of parties, politics.
They have made us believe that political parties are those organizations of citizens, to govern a country or many countries. It is said that politics is an art, a science, but in reality, it is a vice, because political organizations are gangs that divide up booty called a country, which is a physical space on Earth, which has natural resources, inhabitants, infrastructure, industries, commerce, educational centers, public offices, armies, police, weapons, machines, etc, etc.
  The objective of politicians is to reap gains of all kinds, through elections, in which the party and its candidates, using the available propaganda and mass media, turn a candidate into an idol, into a government.
  But politicians also have an interest in multiplying profits, this is expanding the sources of wealth, the sources of enrichment, increasing control over human beings or the labor force, and having more police, military, public officials, and followers at their command. 
Politicians want growth. the development of a country to possess a greater loot, to better exploit the country to the humans who govern. The bigger and more powerful your army, police, workforce, natural resources, and industry are more.
This new human being who learns every day, not only through educational centers, but through the media, through the Internet, traveling, working, who decides every day, questions, thinks every day, is no longer a citizen Because he does not allow others to decide for him, we will call this new human being a person, that is, an individual with personality, a personality born from the daily exercise of deciding.
  This new human being is the one who marks the end of kings, religions, or political parties as owners of power.
These human beings who create, invent, and manufacture tools, forms, machines, and consensus, to replace kings, priests, and politicians as the owners of his life, those who decide for him, those who intercede for him, are the people of the world. 21st-century, Internet users.
Human beings who can live the happiness of deciding for themselves, of choosing, of being actors and not spectators of their own life, actors, not spectators or victims, of a ruler, of a party in power.
  The emigrants, the tourists, and the students are the first members of this new type of human being, who is no longer just a citizen, a faithful believer, or a loyal subject, but now someone who can interrelate, vote, choose, decide on your own,
  In Peru, the dispute for power by political parties has gotten out of hand, it is a war without weapons, and supposedly without deaths for power, but it has turned Peruvians into enemies among themselves, the same as It happens in the United States, Ecuador, or any country where political parties dispute power.
Since the death of Huaynacapac, the father of Atahualpa and Huáscar, the last emperors who lived at the end of the Empire, first due to the civil war unleashed by these two brothers, then through their defeat before the Spanish soldiers of Francisco Pizarro, together with the indigenous allies of the conquerors, who since then turned what was the Viceroyalty of Lima into a cradle of betrayals, hatred, political revenge, divisionism, disputes, which has been disintegrating first the Inca Empire, then the Viceroyalty of Lima, finally to the current Peruvian State, which has lost all the wars in which it has been involved, since the 19th century, except the 1941 war, in which it defeated the skeletal army of Ecuador, thanks to military support, equipment of innovative automatic weapons, tanks, cannons, boats, radio communications and ammunition from the United States, which wanted Iquitos as its rubber supplier, seizing the Amazon, rubber from E Ecuador, which was a supplier to Germany, also wanted control of the Galapagos Islands, to guard the South Pacific and the Panama Canal, and has maintained it since World War II. Since that war, Peru and Ecuador have been puppets of the United States, as Colombia and Panama have been since the independence of Panama, in 1903 the date of the beginning of the North American construction of the Panama Canal.
Today Peru has 6 presidents in just 4 years, it is a collapse that has turned Peru into a failed government, an ungovernable country, this, despite the fact that its economy is one with constant growth, unlike the rest of South America. In this country, as in the rest of the countries subordinated to the United States, the owners of the media are also the owners of the parties, or of the candidates, from Argentina to the United States, it is the media that They put and remove presidents, and even decide guilty and innocent, especially when they are under the orders of the American Embassy.
  This ungovernability of Peru stems from the Universities, the media, politicians, lawyers, prosecutors, even from the use of Spanish as a language, but above all from the Peruvian military that since the time of the Incas, have been the true owners of that country, which is drowning in a blind nationalism, Peru is a country that makes the altar to the uninformed with weapons, who like other Latin American armies in Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile. Paraguayan. Brazil, Bolivia or Ecuador are better at killing and repressing their people than at defending them or defending their territory.
The Latin American universities were the cause of the fracture of the Spanish Empire in South America, except for Brazil where there were no universities, together with the Freemasons, the expulsion of the Jesuits, the defeat of Spain before Napoleon, and then before the English in Trafalgar, or the Americans in Cuba.
The bad emperors, the vain and opulent escutcheons, or the bad Spanish generals and soldiers, the bad priests, left their social, moral, and political flaws in Peru, like in no other country in South America.
Since the year 2000, the Peruvian constitution, in a constitution completely out of step with the changes that the world is experiencing due to globalization, communications, transportation, climate change, extinction, health and environmental catastrophes, the explosion of knowledge, or the wars.
The Peruvian constitution is the cradle of the catastrophic situation that Peru is experiencing at this time. Surely the next president who wins the elections in that country will be the one who proposes a new constitution as happened in Ecuador and Chile.
  The expansion of NATO and the Russian reaction is the cradle of World War III, vehicles and combustion engines, the cradle of climate change, the expansion of the agricultural and fishing frontier, the cradle of extinction, poverty and inequality in Latin America and Africa, the development in the Southern Hemisphere, as a supplier of raw materials and cheap labor, the cause of political instability, the price of cocaine and its demand, the cause of the war on drugs, which is killing and creating monsters called cartels or gangs, narco-governments and narco-producer or consumer states, narco-armies

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