What does soccer mean for Latin America, Europe and the world before and after the Covid pandemic?

The conquest of America created a new human being. These new human beings were the indigenous and mestizos, who were not like the other aborigines of America, who did not speak especially Spanish and or Portuguese, and were not Catholics, nor were they equal to the Spanish or Portuguese, French, English, or Dutch, but they were closer to them than to other natives, nor were they slaves, even though they lived in the same conditions as African slaves.
A black African slave in America was very expensive, since bringing him from Africa meant first capturing or buying him on that continent, then selecting him, feeding him, and transporting him across the Atlantic, on a dangerous and long journey, where many died, then selling him, for this The blacks who arrived in South America first arrived in Lima, where the richest conquerors were, those who shared the gold of Atahualpa, the last emperor of the Incas, whom they kidnapped and extorted to fill a large room with gold turned into jewelry and crockery, which they melted down into ingots since indigenous art had no value to Europeans.
Being a settler or conqueror in America was dramatic since it was risking his life, and even all his wealth to face an unknown world, the equivalent of an astronaut on Mars, or a merchant in a caravel.
These blacks were later brought by the Jesuits, who became the richest in Latin America, despite their vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience to the Pope, they were the largest producers of sugar and alcohol in the Royal Court of Quito. and the creators of towns in the Amazon.
Only a very rich boss could have a black slave since he was more expensive than a horse, which was the second most valuable thing. The more blacks, more horses, more land, and then more Indians entrusted to teach them Spanish, to pray and adore Christ, or debtors for life a conquistador could have, the richer he was.
Unlike the unconquered blacks and natives, the Indians had souls.
Bartolomé de las Casas, the Catholic priest, and cousin of the King of Spain, who arrived in Yucatán was the one who recognized that the indigenous people did have a soul, this is awareness of the existence of a supreme god, a god that was not something like It happened with the Africans, who practiced totemic religions, that is, they worshiped totems that were dolls or symbols as in Budú, Santeria, Macumba, the popular African religions that arrived with the blacks in America.
But the natives of America created and developed religious syncretism, which was the worship of the sun, the moon, mountains, rivers, and sacred animals, which they hid under the image of Christ, the Sun, the Virgin Mary, the earth, under the image of saints or devils, archangels, the characters of the Catholic religion, where Saint Benedict was the saint of rain, fertility, the devil the lord of thunder or volcanoes.
This was possible because the cities and towns that the Spaniards created had as their first name the name of a saint and then the name that the indigenous people gave them, such as San Francisco de Quito, or Santa Rosa de Lima, Santiago de Guayaquil, Santa Ana of the rivers of Cuenca etc. Then the indigenous people saw that things, like their cities if they added the name of Christ, the Virgin Mary, or some saint or saint, were respected.
With the arrival of the European conquerors in America, the indigenous religious festivals became Christian festivals, for example, the festival of San Pedro and San Pablo, which for the Incas was the festival of INTI RAYMI or harvest festival, was only changed his name.
Just like the Spanish conquerors who established the Sunday mass in churches as a new rite, with the arrival of radio, newspapers, schools in the fields, or television, after World War II, just like Some agrarian reforms, like the one of 1968 and the one of 1974 in Ecuador, the school changed the rite of going to mass, for the rite of the classes, thus appearing in the rite of the soccer match.
  In the emerging towns due to this redistribution of land, the disappearance of the large farms in the Sierra, or the promotion of the colonization of tropical zones such as the Amazon, Esmeraldas on the Coast, or in places that were periodically depopulated by floods or drought, as in the Province of Manabí, the center of town became the school, and in front of it the soccer field.
Soccer became a new form of religion where the immortal god was a ball, which brought them together and prompted them to show their strength, ability, talent, personality, which turned each player into a mortal god, and an idol for the village.
Meanwhile, the school made the teacher and his classes the high priest. At the same time, the elections, the media, parties, or protests, turned the rich, those who had charisma, or discourse, the ability to speak, to move, to gather, into authorities, into leaders, into politicians. , which through the parties, began to compete with the religions, the priests, nuns, priests, and the old and new Christian religions, which until today claim control of the behavior of the inhabitants of any place in Latin America.
In Europe, in Greece, the cradle of Western civilization, the meeting place was the theater where language, memory and talent became a reason for competition, or important events such as the Olympics, where the physical qualities of the Greeks showed themselves in all their splendor.
In Rome, the Colosseum became the main meeting place for citizens, for the largest, cruelest, and longest-lasting slave empire in the history of Europe, cruelty became a public spectacle, and they created coliseums and hippodromes throughout and wide of the Empire, as the main meeting points of the population, where the practice of competitions between human beings to show strength, skill, resistance, cruelty was witnessed by the emperor, his court or their local rulers, also served to terrify the peoples with evil turned into a public spectacle, which together with the crucifixions and parades through Rome of slaves, enemies, and captured wealth was the way that the Roman emperors had to show their power.
With the fall of the Roman Empire, which led to the end of slavery in Europe, the former slaves and subjects of the emperor of Rome became faithful Christians, the churches replaced the coliseums and the pilgrimage processions, coronations, or religious festivals, were the new massive public spectacles, especially when there were plagues, environmental catastrophes such as droughts, frosts, floods, or when they were in danger due to the invasion of Mongols, Moors and Ottomans.
The central square replaced the Colosseum. Pilgrimages such as to the Virgin of Lourdes in France or the Camino de Santiago, became important events to this day, in addition to the meetings called by the Pope in Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican.
  In America since the 16th century, the central squares were in front of the cathedrals or large churches such as San Francisco in Quito. which became the site of festivals, and the origin of pilgrimages such as the pilgrimage of Jesus del Gran Poder in Holy Week.
In Europe, temples, and squares as gathering and meeting places were replaced by soccer stadiums after the Second World War, when soccer became the sporting rite that united Europeans again, after in that continent, Christians will lead a war between Catholics against Protestants, for the conquest or colonization of other continents, up to internal wars such as the Napoleonic Wars, the First and Second World Wars or now the ongoing Third World War, after the attack from Russia to Ukraine, which, like all wars in Europe, have the purpose of uniting Europe, but also, as the empires of this continent expanded throughout the planet, which they came to govern in three-quarters of the continental surface and in almost all the marine surface, their conflicts always have a global impact.
Soccer in Europe has the purpose of uniting Europe and settling its differences without going to war, as its history has been. Unlike what happened in its former colonies, where it replaced religious rituals, and seeks to maintain the separation between emerging countries.
  Soccer in Latin America seeks to highlight nationalisms, the differences between countries, keeping them as enemies of each other, as happened after the Wars of Independence, in the 19th century, which created more than 30 countries that speak Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, Dutch or Creole in Haiti, compared to the giant North American countries such as Canada and the United States, where soccer was not a common and important practice until the 21st century, despite having been English colonies and England invented this sport.
Soccer in Latin America, in addition to becoming a new religion, full of fans, is the reason for sometimes bloody clashes and fights between towns, parishes, neighborhoods, cities, and countries.
Soccer is deeply linked to politics, which in Latin America also seeks to maintain disputes in cities, towns, fields, and countries, divisionism on this continent, which has been going on for 200 years, is quite contrary to what Religion sought. Catholic, Spanish, and Portuguese, navigation, ports, and roads until before the Wars of Independence in the 19th century,
  Curiously, soccer, the radio, the press, and television, are closely related, since the popularity of this sport is directly related to the expansion of the radio and television, above all, two North American inventions that have been very useful for maintaining divisionism in Latin America, win elections, put up and take down governments, create fashions, demand for products, something fundamental for North Americans.
The media and the elections allow the United States to control governments, provide itself with raw materials, cheap labor, allies against communism, drug trafficking, Liberation Theology, and now XXI century socialism or Latin American socialism, which seeks the union of Latin America, which seeks to unite again through UNASUR, Union of South American Nations, CELAC, Community of Independent States, MERCOSUR, THE TRANSPACIFIC AGREEMENT or CIESPAL Center for Communication Studies for Latin America.
These organizations confront the OAS, Organization of American States, the first organization of countries in the world, which is the main instrument of the United States to keep Latin American countries apart, control their governments, or encourage internal conflicts, for this reason, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro called it The Ministry of the American Colonies of the United States.
   In Europe, soccer is a passion turned into a sport, in a bloodless war, which revives the bellicose spirit that allowed them to conquer the world, but in a non-bloody way, unlike the Roman Colosseum.
Now the gladiators are soccer players from all over the world, who don't kill each other, but just like in the Colosseum, they become idols who earn millions of millions of dollars.
Soccer in Europe, at the same time, unites and brings together the Europeans, who now after centuries after the fall of Rome, are returning to being a geo-political unit, with the particularity that each country preserves its language, religion, culture, identities, beliefs, that is, to unite after centuries of massacres to be a mutually tolerant diversity.
Soccer, like the Olympics, or the Covid pandemic, has brought human beings together again, to become aware of their similarities, communicate despite the distance, and recognize and tolerate differences, it serves to recognize virtues, and other people's qualities, to rediscover the extraordinary of human capacities, something that this species has, when abilities, intelligence, curiosity, their emotions, or will come together when they are not the privilege of a country, a race, a religion, sex, even age, but an ability to share, coexist, cooperate, because although the stars are young, their coaches are old, who also show off all their talent here.

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