The impact of the Sandinista Revolution, the Contras and the War in El Salvador. Health, politics and life in the Middle of the World. Chapter 8

In the year 1983, the government of Osvaldo Hurtado created the MARGINAL RURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND OR FORDERUMA directed by a former Ecuadorian Jesuit priest, of the Theology of Liberation, who left the habits and married, when the priests of the Theology of Liberation Liberation, caused a schism in the Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council, in Colombia, or its famous Doctrine of Faith, which created priests with a social commitment such as guerrilla priests like Camilo Torres, in Colombia, or Sandinista guerrilla priests like Ernesto Cardenal, the poet and writer priest who was part of the Sandinista Front and who became ministers of that government in Nicaragua, whom the far-right Pope John Paul II visited in Nicaragua to demand that they leave the government or leave the priesthood.
While El Salvador was experiencing the bloody civil war, in which the army trained and directed by the CIA, carried out massacres, which left thousands of orphaned children, and who were taken to the United States, where they formed the first gang of young Latinos criminals, called the LATIN KING, who were later deported to their country, where they formed the fearsome youth gangs called maras of Central America, such as the Salvatrucha or the Mara 18.
FODERUMA, which was a dependency of the Central Bank, made loans to peasant organizations, such as OCAME, ORGANIZACIÓN CAMPESINA MUISNE ESMERALDAS, from the priests of the Liberation Theology of MUISNE. They were able to buy boats, trucks, a sawmill, a farm, build a dock, an office with the most beautiful wooden house in town, which was burned, a sewing workshop with dozens of sewing machines, and they also financed farms in Atacames, Quinindé and Rocafuerte, a huge cement platform in Esmeraldas to dry cocoa, making the OCAME organization the richest and most powerful peasant organization in Ecuador, cocoa exporters that also supported the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and Monsignor Romero in El Salvador.
  In as much in the province as Chimborazo. It financed the popular radio stations, and they were organized in the ERPE Popular Radio Schools. which were the nucleus of the Conaie, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, which had the popular radio stations of Chimborazo, created by the diocese Bishop Monsignor Leonidas Proaño, who promoted the network of popular radio stations in Ecuador such as Antena Libre in Esmeraldas, where I produced two radio soap operas, POPULAR LANTERN AND THE MYSTERY OF LA TUNDA, or popular stations in the Amazon, created to counteract HCJB, the Voice of the Andes, the most powerful evangelical station in America, which broadcast from Quito, in numerous languages, has also a hospital in Quito, and in Shell-Mera, a town created by the Shell company, the first oil company to explore for oil in the Ecuadorian Amazon, in the 40s of World War II. HCJB is until now the axis of evangelical expansion in South America.
While in Quito the parish priest of the richest parish in the Capital in La Mariscal, who directed the Salesians, who had the most important bilingual schools for the rich, the most important in Quito, the Spelman schools, from one of which the University was created Salesiana, the Amazonian Museum and the most important publisher of books on indigenous cultures in America ABYA YALA left her rich parish in front of the Catholic University and went to Quito Sur, one of the new and enormous poor neighborhoods. that were born to the south of the Capital, thanks to the massive peasant emigration caused by the floods of the El Niño Phenomenon of 1982 and the terrible drought, in 1995, due to the La Niña Phenomenon, which was worse than the El Niño floods, due to the great mortality of animals and crops, and even the suspension of hydroelectric power generation. that paralyzed the country in the government of Sixto Durán Ballén and that was followed by the Cenepa War against Peru. This father became the first priest to build prefabricated churches in the numerous neighborhoods that were born in the capital.
After I received the news of my brother's death, Verónica and I did not board a boat to go to his funeral in Quito. The terrible rains of the El Niño phenomenon of 1982 made it impossible to go out by land, the sea at 3 in the afternoon of that day was furious as always. We were 6 passengers, Verónica my wife, the only woman and she was 7 months pregnant, the most skillful of the fishermen was standing at the bow of the boat to indicate to his son, who was at the helm of the outboard motor of 70 horses in the stern. Suddenly the boat that dodges the waves that came one after another quickly stopped, and we got stuck in a sandbank.
"Everybody jump, except you, ma'am," the fisherman shouted.
Chest deep in water we tried to avoid the boat being hit sideways by the swell, until finally the engine came off the sandbank.
-Quickly get on board and get the water out.- he yelled at us again.
In an instant we were jumping waves that made the boat almost vertical, they were like moving mountains that lifted us up, while the foamy crest of the waves came over us, we ran with an engine that seemed like it was going to burst, before it reached us, on the other side of the waves there was a void into which the boat fell, making a noise when hitting from more than 5 meters high with the flat bottom of the boat that seemed to break. Verónica screamed in pain with each fall, and she said that she was going to have an abortion, that the child in her womb was escaping.
The dizziness and vomiting came after we left behind the furious waves, seeing another vomit was already causing us. After hours we arrived at Tonchigüe, with almost no fuel, despite the fact that we had brought enough to reach Atacames. Landing in Tonchigüe seemed like happiness itself. The cold, the rain, the sun, the waves, the fear and the vomit had tested us,
On the beach, Verónica asked for a cup of coffee, which acted like a miraculous water and relieved the pain in her abdomen, which had been so beaten, her face and her body were something else after that agony

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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