The brutal repression and the Condor Plan in Ecuador, and LATIN AMERICA 1984-1988. Health, politics and life in La Mitad del Mundo. Chapter 15

The neoliberal government of León Febres Cordero from 1984 to 1988 introduced anti-communist police repression, which is a different repression from military repression, because of military repression. that has existed since Roman times, the military arbitrarily disposes of the lives of those they consider their enemies, as has been the case since 1900 in Colombia. after the Thousand Days War.
In Colombia there are even what are called false positives, or collateral victims, who are people whom Colombian soldiers have murdered without a sentence or a trial, simply because the soldiers have believed that these peasants are dangerous to them and dangerous for a Colombian soldier, they are dangerous for the country, which is reason enough to assassinate them, with or without previous torture, also because they received money for each guerrilla they killed.
Police repression differs from military repression because it is not part of a declared or recognized war, where there are two sides, it is a hunt for human beings for whom people with or without uniforms must capture criminals, that is, people who they have violated the law, to be tried and sentenced.
León Febres Cordero, believed himself to be the owner of truth and justice when he came to power. The irrefutable truth that he proclaimed is that the communists are dangerous fanatics, who can rise up the people against the government and unleash a bloody civil war, as Fidel Castro did in Cuba, Che Guevara in Bolivia, the Colombian Guerrillas, or the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and that is why they are more dangerous than common criminals or assassins, who do not provoke popular anger or recruit followers.
This could be stopped, according to him and all those who then governed South American countries under pressure from the Nixon government, which together with Head of the State Department Henry Kissinger, and Ronald Reagan, who came to power in 1981 and remained until 1989, when they had to stop the communist expansion that had won the Vietnam War, and the government in Nicaragua, which the United States, considered it, like Cuba, strategic places, since Cuba since the time of the Spanish Conquest, was the most important island In the Caribbean, and Nicaragua, it was the main and shortest way of transport, to get to move from California with gold to New York, and vice versa with money and merchandise, before the construction of the Panama Canal. These countries were replaced by Panama, instead of Nicaragua, and Colombia as the United States' best ally in South America, which was later replaced by Chile thanks to the success of the Condor Plan, and the economic successes of Pinochet's neoliberal government.
The first step that León Febres Cordero took was to arrest the priests of Muisne, who preached the Theology of Liberation and the peasant organization through the OCAME.
   Julián, the brain priest of the peasant organization, was deported to Italy, and Graciano, the heart of the organization, was placed under strict surveillance in the Quito Sur neighborhood.
The second step was to arrest Monsignor Leonidas Proaños, to neutralize his popular peasant radio stations ERPE and the priests of Salinas, who had created the most important commercial agricultural company in the Sierra, Salinerito, to the radio popular education program, which had managed to become in the seed of the most powerful peasant organization in the Ecuadorian Andes, ECUARUNARI.
In order to neutralize Liberation Theology, POPE JOHN PABLO II, an enemy of this Catholic current, received a papal in Ecuador for the first time, they previously went to Nicaragua, to demand that the priests of the Sandinista Revolution, such as Ernesto Cardenal, leave of being part of the government, since he was the minister of education in the first government of Daniel Ortega.
Until now, we have a cross in Parque la Carolina in Quito, where Pope Juan Pablo Segundo gathered the largest crowd of people. Thousands of Ecuadorians, Colombians, and Peruvians came to see and listen to the pope, who forced the resignation of Monsignor Proaño from the bishopric of Riobamba.
But at the Catholic University of Quito, where Argentine Jesuit priests arrived to teach philosophy, escaping from the bloodthirsty Argentine dictatorships, the urban guerrilla group was born. ALFARO VIVE CARAJO wanted to imitate the urban guerrilla of the M-19 in Colombia.
They were students who took up arms and kidnapped the industrialist Briz Sánchez, demanding money for his release, money that, as in the Colombian guerrilla, became the first self-financing mechanism.
This unleashed the wrath of León Febres Cordero, who persecuted, captured, and made them disappear, cruelly through prior torture, as was the case with Professor Consuelo Benavides and produced collateral victims such as the Restrepo Brothers, whom he made disappear. just for the fact that they are young Colombians under suspicion.
This led to the second step in the appropriation of justice, as Guillermo Lasso now claims through a popular consultation to extradite the narcos. León Febres Cordero, takes with tanks the supreme court of justice, to impose judgments and sentences.
After studying in CIESPAL, I was forced to return to Esmeraldas, as I terminated my provisional contract with the Faculty of Medicine and neither renewed nor paid me, until months after my departure, the 12 months of salary that I was due. . But at least the ser professor of the university served me to make my diploma in radio communication.
When I returned to Esmeraldas, without work, I opened a private clinic in Atacames, where I worked in alliance with the botanists of the village, Don Sebastian, and the organic brigades of the health promotors. which makes the promotion of health in the neighborhoods on the main touristic beach of the Ecuadorian coast and a paradise of the hippies, with 10.000 inhabitants, which do not have potable water, canalization, or garbage collection, because of diseases such as malaria, typhoid, the diseases, or the transmission of venereal or the sexual transmission and the consumption of drugs can be converted into a serious problem.
In the Fiestas de Atacames, projected in the main park a film by Mario Litin, the Chilean director identified with the government of Unidad Popular, Salvador Allende, another called Gamines, which told the story of the street children in Colombia, and The third one made fun of the life of the bureaucrats in Bolivia, which presented me as the director of the film, named Estrella, of the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, which arrived together with a poet who betrayed them.
   In a tendril for dried cacao, surrounded by cacao guadua, as if to present the most famous musical group Esmeraldeño of the moment, people made cola to buy the entries, when they arrived in a yellow truck, without plates, with people dressed in civil, long weapons, and arrest me without judicial order someone to Don Gerardo, the person who rented me a room in his house where my office works. There was a detainer for those who resembled military men dressed in civilian clothes by the haircut and the arms. When the officer who gave the orders asked me who was who, and identified me, immediately the soldiers of Don Gerardo pointed at me with arms, me and the poet who was carrying the film from Quito, detained us and took us to the Naval Base of Balao, in the Puerto Patrollero, together with the films considered subversives in those times.
They immediately put me in a crypt, like in the cemeteries, and told me to cage and urinate in that place, because if I didn't return to see the sunlight, I would die there, because I should enjoy this moist air. , caliente y fetido que sería el ultimo. Without being able to contain more of my urine and my fangs from the cage, I went to this place where I was obscured,  and with my hands attached to my back.
After hours of living my agony, I was taken out of that crypt, was brought to a wall and with a hose, I was brutally hit with water, at the same time I was bathed, to remove the dirt and urine from my clothes,
Then he came to the interrogation, sitting in a chair, with his hands tied to his back and with a hood of wool that covered all my heads so that no one could see them. An old soldier who could barely distinguish between the holes in the cap began the interrogation by noting down his personal data. Then an official entered who began to intimidate me but apparently knew that my wife had worked until a few months before she had been living with me in Atacames as a secretary for more than 15 years, and told me that my father was a lawyer. del minister Neira, the minister of government, was in a trial for the purchase of ambulances. But the Alfaro Vive, were young sons of fathers richer than you, who supported Febres Cordero to be president and were tortured or murdered so that it did not seem useful. Entonces question the procedure, questionés for capturer civil clothes, sans judicial order, in the midst of a crowd, and said that soon would be coming to a caravan of cars, and many journalists and las portal del quarter, for that public spectacle.
The official salíó, a few hours before returning, embark in a military jeep and return to Atacames, to Central Park, where the fiesta still continues, when the people were 6 o'clock in the morning and the people received me with arms, I was detained by 8 To install terrible hours.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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