The Theology of Liberation in Ecuador.7. Political Health and Life in the Middle of the World

The arrival of Osvaldo Hurtado to power was the return of the influence of the Catholic Church, which since the Liberal Revolution of 1895, led by Eloy Alfaro, had experienced a dispute for power and that with the Alliance for Progress, which propagated religion In the fields of the Sierra and the Amazon, the Theology of Liberation or Marxist Church was propagated in the fields of the Coast, as in Esmeraldas, through the OCAME, Peasant Organization Muisne Esmeraldas, in the Sierra through Monsignor Proaño with his popular radios and in the Amazon, through Monsignor La Vaca, assassinated by the Huaorani indigenous people, the Carmelites and Domicos priests from Sucumbios, who protected the uncontacted indigenous nationalities or Taromenani from Orellana, the Josefinos from Tena and Pastaza. the Salesians of Morona Santiago, the enormous and almost depopulated Amazonian provinces, who faced the evangelicals of HCJB, and the Summer Institute of Linguistics.
In Quito, the Catholic University had given refuge to Argentine Jesuits, who were escaping from the bloody Argentine dictatorships such as Vileda, at the time when the current Pope Francisco worked in the poor neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, in the terror of the Condor Plan, with the kidnapping and disappearance of thousands of young people and children.
Oswaldo Hurtado, a lawyer, and professor at the Catholic University came to power at the hands of the German Christian Democracy, which financed his candidacy and the Catholic University, as a bastion to prevent the spread of Liberation Theology, of which Pope John Paul II, of Polish origin and anti-communist, was an enemy.
With the arrival of Osvaldo Hurtado to power, the Catholic University, which at that time was the university of the rich, because with free admission to state universities, the Velasquista mob, indigenous people, poor blacks, and mestizos, women with fewer resources Economic, he could study university degrees, so it ceased to be what universities were until before Velasco Ibarra, the meeting place for the rich, and good families by name, where young people from the upper class found boyfriends, friends, partners, and the political party that projects them, which was the role of the Central University of Quito, the State University of Guayaquil or the Azuay University of Cuenca.
  Now that role was assumed by private universities. The first was the Catholic universities, which became the protectors of morality, faith, and families.
The Catholic universities of Quito and Guayaquil became the cradle of Popular Democracy, which placed Hurtado, Mahuad, and Noboa in the presidency.
In the last months of my rural medicine in Cabo San Francisco, my older brother, who had been a victim of militarism in the 70s, went to visit me. He had a pistol that my mother had given him to kill the My father's lover, a German woman with whom he had two children, who disputed my father's money with my mother, and his love with us, because now they also had new children.
   My father. In addition to his houses and apartments in Quito, he bought a 1,000-hectare farm, which he called Imperio, in Tandapi, a parish on Via Quito Santo Domingo, 40 minutes from the capital, where they had cloud forests, birds, trees timber, and medicinal plants such as dragon's blood or quinine, and medicinal plants such as guaviduca or pedorrera. There I took my grandmother, whom my mother had expelled from the Conocoto farm, with her I began to produce sheathed medicinal plants after the rural one finished.
  I also found out that my brother had white phosphorus imps, used at parties to make fireworks but used by suicide bombers. On my last visit to Quito, before finishing my rural life in the Cape, I told my mother about my brother's problem, I asked her not to force him to be a murderer and to put him under psychiatric treatment, with one of my teachers. of psychiatry, as he did. The problem was that the lithium he was using to control his mania-depression caused him impotence, which is why he left it, repeating the manic-depressive episodes, which became more complicated when he dedicated himself to bodybuilding, to stop being skinny, and becoming very big. and muscular, because he used anabolics, plus male hormones, which complicate the manic depression picture, this finally led to his death.
The news of his death came to me at the Cape, after a hideous and gigantic black butterfly woke us up in the middle of the night, the next day. The news made us leave in a boat at 3 in the afternoon, along with 6 other people. Verónica was in the seventh month of pregnancy. As she got out on the boat, where she was the only woman, the engine got stuck on a sandbank. The trip was an Odyssey, in which I almost lost my wife and my first daughter, Antonella.

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