The Vietnam War, The Hippie Revolution. Civil Rights. Health, politics and life in the Middle of the World. Chapter 9

 the Vietnam War, which meant the defeat of the US army and its allies in Vietnam, and in Nicaragua against the Sandinista Revolution, came the 1980s, which was called the lost decade, because South America lived the multiplication of poverty, the anti-guerrilla fight in Colombia, and the Condor Plan, with persecution and demonization of the guerrillas and left-wing youth, most of them students from state After the Vietnam War, which meant the defeat of the US army and its allies in Vietnam, and in Nicaragua against the Sandinista Revolution, came the 1980s, which was called the lost decade, because South America lived the multiplication of poverty, the anti-guerrilla fight in Colombia, and the Condor Plan, with persecution and demonization of the guerrillas and left-wing youth, most of them students from state universities, who became centers for the dissemination of communist ideas, anti-imperialist, anti-American, and the cradle of parties like the MPD party, MOVIMIENTO POPULAR DEMOCRATICO, which claimed to be a Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist party, which took over the entire state educational system, state unions such as those of teachers, with the UNE, the NATIONAL UNION OF EDUCATORS, after Social Security, the Peasant Social Security, PETROECUADOR, and other state unions, such as those of the s avalanche.
Universities, students, and teachers became the main protest groups against the governments, which meant that state education experienced its worst moment since the protests resulted in school years plagued with irregularities, and the UNE strikes lasted months.
the MPD. teachers and doctors in the state had to strike to improve their salaries. that the state delayed their payment for months and was poorly paid, which made the teachers become extortionists of the towns, since they obtained money from extorting students and parents, and from their protests, while the doctors of public institutions did the same for patients, whom they took to their clinics, offices, pharmacies or private laboratories, to round up their salaries. While I was doing my internship at the Franklin Tello Hospital in Esmeraldas, the contamination of the two operating rooms filled the pockets of doctors, who took patients from the hospital to their private offices and made the sexual extortion of patients a routine form of payment, which also happened in colleges and universities. This reached such an extreme that in 2019 President Lenín Moreno used the first question of a popular consultation to punish abusive teachers, and sexual harassers, and their trials could no longer prescribe.
In 1981, I participated in a protest by the workers of the Franklin Tello Hospital, who, in addition to demanding better salaries, since they only paid us 120 sucres a month, equivalent to 20 dollars a month, demanded the reconstruction of the Delfina Torres Hospital, which had been burned years ago and had a capacity of 200 beds, while the Franklin Tello hospital, which was replacing it, but only had 25 beds for a population of more than 100,000 inhabitants.
The El Niño Phenomenon turned the poor neighborhoods of Esmeraldas and its rural towns into sources of infection since they did not have drinking water, sewerage, or a garbage collection system.
Medical dispensaries, sub-centers, pharmacies, and private clinics that appeared everywhere, turned the sale of medicines and medical care into big business. The population became addicted to antibiotics, painkillers, and vitamins, which the state distributed free of charge, thanks to which many were saved, and the antibiotic revolution was lived.

But since the 1970s, Ecuador has experienced the contraceptive revolution, which was also accompanied by the HIPPIE movement, of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, which turned Atacames, the province's main beach, into its paradise full of palm trees, into a kilometer long beach, tropical climate, with little rain and 300 sunny days a year.
The hippie movement was the antithesis to the Marxist movements, which wanted social transformation based on the so-called class struggle, which had to be bloodthirsty, while the hippies proposed the transformation of society based on peace, love, sexual freedom, the fight against consumerism, craft work, healthy eating, life in the open air, new forms of artistic expression, the equality of women and men, sexual freedom, the fight against patriarchy, monogamy, private property, women or children, for this they created communities where they shared everything, from boyfriends and girlfriends to bed or food, they gave the Huaorani Nationality of the Amazon in Ecuador as an example, where the tribe lived under a huge house, naked, they protected each other, in addition, the hippies opposed borders, nationalities, racism, they wanted to travel and live anywhere in the world, in Atacames, hippie couples were intersex blacks and whites. and in Atacames, hippie couples were intersex blacks and whites they became common. Unfortunately, this sexual freedom and drug consumption brought drug addiction to Esmeraldas, since blacks and mulattoes became the main suppliers of drugs and sex, they earned money and free sex with gringos or gringas, and even visas to live in their countries, while bacterial venereal diseases became common, antibiotics were available to combat them easily, but two new sexually transmitted viral diseases arrived such as AIDIS-AIDS, brought by hippies or foreign tourists and the papillomavirus, that already existed under the name of venereal wart, very common in Esmeraldas, but it had not been identified as a precursor disease of cervical cancer.
   After the Vietnam War, an epidemic of psychiatric disorders also arrived, which turned suicide into a fashion, they were no longer just personal but collective suicides, which had occurred in Waco, in the United States, or Guyana, where religious fanatics gathered. they committed suicide collectively, while in Russia, after the defeat of Afghanistan, the students of the Lomonosov University, climbed to the top floor of the building to commit suicide, with the pretext that they wanted to free the soul, which for the Marxists did not exist, the suicide bombers said she was locked in a shell, which was her body, this was the same thing my brother had wanted to do, according to what he told me in 2019, his most supportive friend who was part of a group that my brother had formed in Conocoto, to prove the existence of the soul.
When Verónica, my wife, and I arrived in Quito, my brother Luis had not died yet, he was in a coma, his whole body was yellow, due to jaundice, and the white phosphorus he had ingested, it took him days to die, a medicine professor of mine he was treated by an intern at the Central University, my father was living an agony with him, while my mother refused to visit him at the San Francisco Clinic where he was dying. The last night before he stopped breathing, I grabbed his neck to hang him, his agony was pain and a terrible spectacle that reminded me of the day when my most beloved dog, when I was 15 years old, in the Conocoto farmhouse, She got sick with rabies or distemper, she was throwing saliva out of her mouth, she couldn't swallow anything, or walk, but she recognized that I was involved in total suffering, so I took a rope and hanged her under the tree that was next to the pool, but I could not and did not want to kill my brother.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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