How the IMF, the USA, Lenín Moreno and GuilLermo Lasso turned Ecuador into a country of the wild west, and a drug exporter.

 the IMF, and the USA turned Ecuador into a country of the wild west, and a drug exporter
During the government of Rafael Correa, the state became the main source of employment in the country. This translated into an explosion of construction, schools, colleges, universities, police posts, hydroelectric plants, irrigation canals, dams, and a road revolution because roads and bridges were everywhere, and of the best quality, and there were scholarships. to study at the 100 best universities, public services such as the civil registry, local administrations had more employees, and their attention improved, constructions in provinces, cantons and parishes.
This is how the state became the main employer, but also the main investor.
In the successive governments of Lenín Moreno and Guillermo Lasso, the IMF recipe was applied, to reduce the size of the State, for which the state companies were almost bankrupt or bankrupt to sell them at the price of stinking chicken. Hundreds of doctors, teachers, and workers in state works that were paralyzed were fired and were concerned only with having dollars in the Central Bank to guarantee international loans that were later distributed as political booty.
When the Covid 19 pandemic arrived, there were not enough doctors, and hospitals were experiencing a deterioration or lack of everything, which made Ecuador one of the most notorious epidemiological centers in America and the world.
With the quarantine, social distancing, and the massive bankruptcy of small businesses, or small businesses, the brutal drop in commerce, and transportation due to the closure of roads, and airports, plus the policy of zero public investment, except in vaccines. zero public works, massive layoffs of state employees, drop in wages and temporary contracts since hourly payments were agreed, etc. the situation was getting worse.
The disease, the agony of family and friends, and hunger uncovered Pandora's Box.
Being a drug dealer, micro-traffickers, and hitmen were the only really profitable activities, and cocaine became white gold. Like Venezuela, or the countries of Central America, emigration to the United States, escaping from the country, is an escape door from countries in the latest misfortune, where presidents, thanks to the pandemic, vaccines had become part of the problem. and not in a solution.
The problem originated when the police, the army, the press, the judiciary, and the electoral power, the control bodies, were used by Lenín Moreno at will, and persecuted Rafael Correa, carried out electoral fraud, or crafty popular consultations advised by the US ambassador were successful.
  Lenín Moreno, a former vice president of Correa, who was a cabal for hire, waited years to rise to power using Rafael Correa and then become the worst enemy and lackey of Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo.
  He is disabled in the legs, who developed in an extraordinary way, the ability to lie, deceive, and betray, turning betrayal into a way of doing politics, which was soon followed by most of the members of the Alianza País party, the party founded by Rafael Correa.
The banker Guillermo Lasso, another person with motor difficulties, who developed greed and opportunism as qualities, was an accomplice in the great scam against Ecuadorians, through bank fraud, which made him a billionaire, following the IMF recipes, in 1999, in the government of Yamil Mahuad, produced the first great gigantic wave of Ecuadorian emigrants, to Spain, Italy, and the United States.
In a bold and shameless way, Lasso a launderer of his own money and that of others in tax havens, which prevented him due to Ecuadorian laws from being a candidate, was supported by the United States ambassador, who until now is the same one that Donald Trump appointed, and that he got Lenin Moreno to return the Manta bases, plus the one in Galapagos, the delivery of Julian Assange, and the involvement of Ecuador again in the War on Drugs, a war that the United States has already lost in Afghanistan and in Colombia.
President Lasso has continued with his policy of privatization, reducing the size of the state, massive layoffs, and no public works other than to make some repairs to the Correa works, such as damaged highways, airports, and unfinished hospitals. The State of Ecuador is no longer the main source of employment, unemployment today is violence, in prisons, ports, and cities, which has made us the world's leading exporter of cocaine from Colombia and Peru, the country with the most violent South America, where the United States now has 200,000 km2 under its control in the Galapagos and our territorial sea and uses us in its War on drugs and migrant trafficking is the new big business.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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