The Dramatic Government of Oswaldo Hurtado and the Christian Democracy of Germany in Ecuador. 3 Health, politics and life in the Middle of the World.

 My first days in Cabo de San Francisco were very pleasant. It was like being on vacation by the sea, but busy.
Newlyweds, full of illusions and courage, the world seemed tiny to us. I always recited to Verónica, a poem by Mario Benedetti......If I love you it's because you are my love, my accomplice and everything, and in the street side by side, we are much more than two. I love you in my paradise in that which is my country, people live happily, even if they do not have permission.

Ecuador was my paradise, and the people of my country were the best in the world, by their nature, full of life, especially the peasants and fishermen, because my grandmother, whom I brought to live with us for a month, was a peasant, who loved caring for animals and plants. She, who was also a healer, was my first teacher.
But my mother, who was on the contrary a rich woman from the capital, hated her, so she expelled her from a farm in Conocoto, where she had her crops of corn, beans, zambo, broad beans, tomatoes, onions, fruit trees, medicinal plants. , along with their chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, goats, sheep, and even horses. All this drama came after my father had his first heart attack. He was a successful lawyer, a wealthy man, and famous as a lawyer, who became involved with one of his clients, which led to a family catastrophe. Tired of living in a house where there were fights every day, I came to finish my last year in Esmeraldas, where we had an apartment, in one of the first buildings in the city, in front of the Governor's Office on Av. Bolivar.
My medical studies and internships began in September 1980, I did so in an emergency hospital with just 25 beds, called Franklin Tello, since the main hospital in the city had burned down. This hospital served a city of 100,000 inhabitants and a province of 250,000. So when there was a bus accident on the bad highway from Quinindé to Esmeraldas, which was never finished, the patients had to be sutured or cast in the floor. where they were laid on mats, while the doctors and medical interns were on our knees.
My first day on duty was the worst of my life in a hospital, a family arrived, the father, his 9-year-old daughter, and his wife, pregnant with him, with pain in their parts. Everything seemed normal, the father and the girl went to eat at home, I was alone with the patient, and an assistant accompanied me, it was Saturday, and the resident doctor was not there when the pressure shot up. In the hospital, there was no oxygen, nor medicines to counteract the picture of brutal eclampsia. I woke up giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and resuscitation to a corpse for 4 hours. The next day I had to tell her husband and her daughter what had happened. They tried me on a medical board, to see if I was guilty of negligence or not, and they acquitted me because the hospital was the problem.
Jaime Hurtado was in power, the vice president of Jaime Roldós, the president who had died in a plane crash 5 months ago. He was a law professor at the Catholic University, very ceremonious when speaking, to show himself as a wise and prudent politician, unlike the hot and ardent Jaime Roldós, who was one of the best speakers in Latin America, in a contest.
His party was the party called Popular Democracy, identified with the Christian Democracies of Germany, promoted by the University and the Catholic Church.
Like almost all the vice presidents of the mountains, since 1830, he was a traitor and conspirator for hire. He betrayed Roldós when he was president, and he did the same as Lenín Moreno, years later, he became the best ally of the United States and of the country's rich, which due to the new business of laundering petrodollars, from the Arab countries, and drug trafficking, through bank loans, at a time of boom in barrel prices and cocaine, were in debt, because they could not recover the money lent to politicians and big businessmen.
Thus, Hurtado and his finance minister, a banker named Rodrigo Paz, owner of Banco de la Producción, and president of the Liga Deportiva Universitaria team, created the sucretization of private debt, that is, they converted the debt of the rich, who It was in dollars, to debt in sucres, to later devalue the sucre, so that wages fell, prices rose, and bank interest as well. The debt was paid by the people, businessmen, exporters, foreign investors, and dollar launderers won. This happened when drug trafficking began with Pablo Escobar with his Medellín Cartel in Colombia, and the Reyes Magos, Reyes Cueva cartel, in Ecuador, which was their main supplier of Bolivian cocaine paste, they laundered their money in banks Ecuadorians, buying properties in Ecuador, such as the Hacienda del El Timbre, from United Fruit, in Esmeraldas, even in cockfights.

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